Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Karl Marx and Marxist Class Struggle

Marxist Approach Marx’s Beliefs: Philosophy was meant to be used as a tool to bring about change. The capitalist system caused the alienation of the workers, therefore causing them not to be able to live to the fullest http://ragingdove12603. tripod. com/id13. html Queen, Plaid, and Big Tall Goony-Goony walk into A&P in â€Å"nothing but bathing suits†, and don’t â€Å"even have shoes on†. The girls walking in â€Å"naked† and â€Å"barefoot† can represent a Marxist class struggle. Sammy’s high admiration and observance from behind the cashier towards these girls in the story portrays a Marxist class struggle. He views the girls, especially Queenie, as superior and high-class, and compares himself and the place he works in as â€Å"crummy†. In this case, it’s Sammy who is â€Å"the working-class†, and he tries doing something about his position/status by quitting his job for these high-class girls. He doesn’t see working at A&P or his manager Lengal as desirable as he sees the class of these girls. He struggles in the end with his decision: â€Å"Looking back in the big windows . . . I could see Lengel in my place in the slot . . . and my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter. Feminist Approach: Sammy as a possible girl â€Å"Being naked approaches being revolutionary; going barefoot is mere populism† – John Updike Populism is a â€Å"political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite. † â€Å"You know, it’s one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit on the beach . . . and another thing in the cool of the A&P, under the fluorescent lights . . . with her feet paddling along naked over our checkerboard green-and-cream rubber-tile floor. Perhaps Sammy emphasizes â€Å"her† descriptions of the three girls, because she admires their revolution of having to be working women/women under â€Å"policy† and desires their courage and freedom to be â€Å"different†. Or perhaps Sammy desires the freedom and luxury (power) the girls have. By entering A&P â€Å"naked† and â€Å"barefoot† the girls show power/voice to be seen, something uncommon for most girls during the time. They face the consequence of Lengal. Sammy witnessing Lengalembarrass the girls quits to stand up for them, but doesn’t catch their attention.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Culinarian Cookware Case Analysis Essay

Culinarian Cookware has a prestigious band image, is a leader in premium cookware market, and delivers an outstanding product. With this said, there are still areas in which the brand could improve, as it still has a much lower brand awareness and market share than industry leaders Star Chef and Kitchen Select. We believe that one way in which Culinarian could combat these issues and push towards completing its strategic objectives is to run a price promotion in 2007. Though there was dispute as to whether the promotion of 2004 was profitable, due to our analysis of the 2004 promotion and the current state of the cookware market we believe that there is room for a price promotion within Culinarian’s strategic objectives. First and foremost, we believe that Ms. Brown is correct in her calculations of the profitable nature of the 2004 sale. Ms. Brown’s calculations differ from those of the consultants on two basic points: the way in which they projected the sales for the CX1 model during the sales promotion and the contribution margin which they attributed to each unit. The consultants argue that, according to the sales numbers of the previous year, the projected sales of the CX1 model should have been 119504. Ms. Brown disagrees, saying that due to the fact that sales were down 24% during the first few months of 2004, the projected sales for the period should be much lower than what the consultants calculated. She says that the projected sales calculations should be 59871. According to Exhibit 1, which outlines the retail sales of cookware across the US, sales for cookware were down 2% during 2004. This information is in line with what Ms. Brown used in her calculations, as she argued that the projected sales for March through May of 2004 should be significantly lower than usual due to a major decrease in sales during the first few months of 2004. Not only were sales for the year down, but according to Exhibit 2, March, April and May are not higher than average months for sales in 2005. According Exhibit 2, during 2005 6. 9% of sales were in March, 7% of sales were in April and 9. 4% of sales were in May. This information is telling in that it shows that the months that the ales promotion ran in there is no reason to expect higher than average sales. This is important because, if Ms. Brown is correct in that sales were down 24% during the first few months of 2004, then there is no reason to expect that sales would rise significantly from March to May. The second point in which Ms. Brown’s number’s differed from that of the consultants was the way in which they calculated the contribution margin for each unit of CX1. We found that there was little evidence to support either Ms. Brown’s costing method or the consultants. However, as long as Ms. Brown was correct in her sales projections, the price promotion would have been profitable even if the consultants were more accurate in their costing method. By multiplying the actual sales numbers (184987) by the actual contribution margin that the consultants calculated (10. 35), then subtracting the normal sales that Ms. Brown calculated (59871) multiplied by the normal contribution margin according to the consultants (19. 95) we found that there would still be a profit of 720189 dollars. This means that even if the consultants were correct in the cannibalization impact costs and the contribution margin calculations, as long as Ms. Brown was more correct in her sales projections then there would still have been a significant net profit. Therefore due to the fact that we find Ms. Brown’s projections of the sales for the period to be more consistent with the information provided for us in Exhibits 1 and 2, we also find that she is likely more correct in saying that the price promotion was profitable for the company. Not only would the price promotion be profitable regardless of costing method, but the consultant’s cannibalization impact estimation seems unfounded as there was still a 21% increase in growth of the DX1 product sales from Spring 2003 to Spring 2004. This is only about 3% down from the growth rate from 2002 to 2003, which lead us to believe that a major cannibalization impact from the sales promotion was improbable. This evaluation of Ms. Brown’s profitable calculations, the strategic objectives the Ms. Roux outlines for Culinarian and our analysis of the cookware market lead us to believe that a price promotion in 2007 would be a good move for Culinarian. As we will discuss below, Ms. Roux’s strategic priorities for the company included not only growing revenue but also aintaining the prestigious brand image and increasing its share of the premium cookware market segment. We would argue that running another price promotion during 2007 would be the first step in achieving all of these strategic objectives. The price promotion run during 2004 was, according to our calculations, profitable and was able to drastically increase sales for that period in the CX1 model. According to Exhibit 4, sales of the CX1 model rose 57% from the spring of 2003 to the spring of 2004. This is a huge increase, especially when compared to a 30% increase from spring of 2002 to spring of 2003. According to surveys done after the price promotion, 70% of customers who bought the CX1 said that the promotion was important in their buying decision. This information, coupled with the Orion study which concluded that 30% of cookware buyers would be motivated by a price discount to buy cookware, tells us that many cookware consumers are highly interested in price promotions. Though customers are highly interested in the price promotion, to better understand how the promotion would fit into Culinarian’s overall strategic objectives we must look at how the cookware market functions as a whole. The U. S. cookware industry is divided into categories of low-end, mid-level, and premium products based on price, quality, and material. The market is thus segmented based on several demographic, socioeconomic, and psychographic variables. But primarily the market is segmented based on age, occupation, gender, and most importantly income. Market research conducted by Culinarian found that of its own customers 75% were between the ages of 30 and 55, 82% were women, 70% had household incomes over $75,000 annually, and 60% of previous customers considered cooking to be their favorite hobby. Cookware is purchased either in sets of between 5 to 14 pieces or open stock by piece. Consumers in the cookware category almost always make planned purchases according to responses from the Orion Market Research Study. If there were to be an unplanned purchase it would generally be a single piece, opposed to a boxed set, and motivated because of a discount or promotion. According to the survey, in households with income over $75,000 only 30% of respondents were swayed by price discount and a promotional incentive, such as free gift with purchase, only affected the purchasing decisions of 20%. In addition to being planned, sales of cookware are often seasonal because it is frequently purchased as gifts for weddings and holidays. The implications for a push versus pull strategy in the cookware industry depend on the category of product (low-end, mid-level, or premium) and the brand’s history and image (how long have they been in the cookware industry and its’ positioning). The pull strategy should be used when trying to recruit new consumers, expand market share, or publicize a promotion. Premium brands often experience more success with the pull strategy than low-end and mid-level brands do, which often requires that they use a combination of the pull and push strategy with consumers and distributors and their approach will change with the growth of the brand. The push strategy is essential in getting new channels to stock a company’s products, so if the company’s goal to enter a new distribution channel or to widen its’ distribution network the push strategy should be implemented. But Culinarian Cookware and other high-end brands that are very selective in their distribution can use the pull strategy with both consumers and their distribution base. Consumers of the Culinarian brand regarded product performance and durability as the most important features in selecting cookware. By creating demand and loyalty amongst consumers, retailers will continue to request to sell the product. The corporate objectives suggest that the company has a strong business that tailors itself to the segments that we found above. The first objective is to widen its distribution network, which is always a great way to create new distribution channels and to grow for the company. The push strategy would be used to gain more distribution channels. Right now, Culinarian only has three specialty stores by widening its distribution they would branch out and increase their customer base. By increasing their customer base, Culinarian could segment their customers more efficiently and also increase their segment base. The pull strategy would be used for new products and for gaining a larger customer base. The second objective is to increase the market share of the premium cookware segment. Le Gourmand their main competitors possesses 4% while Robusto has only 3%. Even though, Culinarian already has a 6. 5% of the market, they are behind the mid to low level manufacturers as Star Chef has 18% and Kitchen Select obtains 14%. By increasing the market share Culinarian would increase their revenue and also acquire a stronger brand name in the market. This leads to the next objective, every strong business posses a prominent image. As a leader in the premium cookware market Culinarian wants to preserve its prestigious image. Its customers are high income and 50% of them favor a brand that they recognize, which means in order for Culinarian to attract the high-income customers the company must maintain the strong brand and the prestigious image it possesses. Lastly, in order for Culinarian to thrive and be a successful business it must cover cost and capture a revenue growth of 15% while maintaining the pre-tax earnings of 12%. According to this information about the cookware market, we believe that if Culinarian ran a similar price promotion to the one it ran in 2004 on the CX1, while changing the timing and distribution method, then it would help Culinarian gain greater revenue and market share while not damaging their brand image. The CX1 model seems like the best model to run a promotion on because by running a promotion on the cheapest and lowest quality line of products, Culinarian would be more likely to gain new consumers while still maintaining its brand image. The CX1 model has a normal retail price of 150 dollars, making it significantly cheaper than any other product line that Culinarian offers. By reducing this price by the same 20% that was offered in 2004, the price drops to 120, which would make it 40% cheaper than the next cheapest model, SX1. We feel that this drop in price is ideal as it was obviously enough to lead to a huge increase in sales in 2004 while still making the product line profitable. Though we would run the promotion on the same product line with the same price reduction, we would change the timing and distribution method of the price promotion. We believe that running the promotion in the fall, from August to October, would be more beneficial to the company as it represents a time when normal sales are down after the summer months and before those of the holidays. If Culinarian ran promotions during this period, it might be able to buoy sales and allow them to gain a stronger hold on the market just before the holiday season. During the 2004 promotion 20% of customers who bought the CX1 model were new to the Culinarian brand. An increase in new customers might be most beneficial before the Holiday season, as according to exhibit 3, 55% of people surveyed in the Orion Market Research study said that they either bought cookware as a gift or received it as a gift. Exhibit 3 also mentions that 50% of consumers are more likely to buy a brand that they recognize, which shows that increasing brand awareness during the time before the biggest cookware buying season could be incredibly beneficial to boost sales. Another change that we would make to the price promotion is the way in which the promotion was distributed. According to the case, only about half of the retailers passed the full sale on to the customers. This represents a major problem for Culinarian, as they want customers to receive the full sale to entice more current customers to buy and more new customers to switch brands. Our recommendation would be to advertise coupons available online by putting coupon codes in their advertisements in magazines and newspapers. In those advertisements they could publicize the price promotion and urge consumers to get coupons online to buy in stores. This would make the retailers pass the full sales discount onto consumers. Not only would this method of delivery allow customers to get the full discount, but it would also increase traffic to the Culinarian’s site. As of now, only about 5% of sales come from the company’s website, which shows a major lack of traffic. By putting the price promotion coupon online, the company could get more web traffic and increase the sales through their site. Thus a well done price promotion could help Culinarian move towards meeting many of its major strategic objectives. Not only would it increase revenue by buoying sales and increasing brand awareness before the Holidays, but, through increased sales, it could also help them capture more of the premium cookware market. By running the price promotion infrequently and only on the lowest quality product line, there would be no damage to the brand’s prestigious image. This price promotion would vault the brand into more consumers’ consideration set and allow them to expand their brand toward the future.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Plan for Establishing a Career Development Function in an Organization Research Paper

Plan for Establishing a Career Development Function in an Organization - Research Paper Example Specifically, this paper shall be divided into three parts: firstly, a discussion on the essence of organizational and employee management as defined and explained by National Career Development Organization or NCDO; secondly, an in-depth analysis of the contents of career development and its role in attaining business objectives; and lastly, a conclusion that will synthesize all the key learning points gleaned. The National Career Development Organization (2012) claimed that the organizational and employee management had emerged as a discipline that involved â€Å"the overall arrangement of the organization and its functions, including both the long-term and short-tem identification and development of its human resources†. In this regard, all of its plans, processes, and models are in line with providing the necessary skills that its employees need to meet the current and future job demands. Thus, it could be stated that organizational and employee management is similar to strategic talent management, which aims at creating job functions that help the company realize its maximum potential. From a historical point of view, it could be said that the inception of organizational and employee management has been heavily influenced by factors such as â€Å"Increased competition for promotion, constant innovation in technology, pressures for equal employment opportunities, corporate rightsizing and restructuring, globalization of our economy, and employees’ desire to get the most out of their careers† (Powell, 2003). From a workforce perspective, it could be claimed that strategic talent management was also a product of the employer’s desire to harness their employees’ knowledge and skills, and keep those that are most valuable to the company. At this point, National Career Development Organization (2012) also wanted to emphasize the difference between career management and career development.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chile and copper mining Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chile and copper mining - Research Paper Example The nation is now considered one of the fastest growing economies in the 1990s as it has successfully survived moments of economic instability3. It is a nation which currently faces the challenge of having to diversify its copper-dependent economy into other sources of income and of implementing a more equal distribution of wealth4. As for its geography, Chile has a ribbon like shape which has given the country a diverse climate. Its northern parts (Atacama) are dry deserts; its center, exhibits a Mediterranean weather; and its Southern areas experience snowy weather5. Most of Chile nationals have a mixed Spanish and indigenous descent6. In 2010, the country had an estimated population of about 16.6 million, with the median age of the citizens at 31.7 years, and with a population growth rate of 0.881%7. Its rate of urbanization is also estimated at 1.3% based on 2005 to 2010 estimates. Most of its citizens are Chilean nationals, and its ethnic groupings include white and white Amerindians at 95.4%; Mapuche at 4%; and other indigenous groups at 0.6%8. The country’s religions include Roman Catholics at 70%; Evangelicals at 15%; Jehovah’s Witness at 1.1% and other Christians at 4.6%9. Their languages include Spanish, Mapudungun, German, and English10. The country’s literacy rate is at 15 years of age. Basic economic facts about the country reveal that its nominal GDP is at 169.5 billion US dollars with a GDP per head of 10,123 US dollars and an annual growth of 4.0%11. The Chilean peso is pegged at an average of 1US$ to 529 pesos. Their inflation rate is at 0.5% and their unemployment rate is at 7.7%12. Their major industries include copper mining, as well as gold, nitrates, molybdenum, iron, and silver mining13. In considering the country’s foreign relations, Chile has had historical conflicts with its neighbors for many years now.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Law in Equity and Trust regarding Charities Essay

Law in Equity and Trust regarding Charities - Essay Example It has a specific legal meaning; the Charities Act 1993 describes a charity as: "Any institution, corporate or not, which is established for charitable purposes and is subject to the control of the High Court in the exercise of the Court's jurisdiction with respect to charities.": s96(1) This tautologous explanation gets us no further, other than to observe that it is the Courts who determine what 'charitable purposes' means according to current legislation and that an organisation cannot be registered as a charity by the Charities Commission if it has been set up under the laws of a foreign country which for these purposes include Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands. Overall this description in itself is unsatisfactory since it promotes uncertainty, and where there is uncertainty in the law there will be litigation. Whilst on the face of it the definition of what a charity is should be found in the Charities Act, the Courts actually refer to the Charitable Uses Act 16011 to determine the definition of a charity, despite the fact that this legislation has been repealed. The Courts follow the 'spirit and intention' of the 1601 Act and the definition of 'charity' has been developed through statutory interpretation and case law precedent arising predominantly from disputes over wills, taxation status and/or challenges against decisions made by the Attorney General on behalf of the Charities Commission. Examining the case law suggests that organizations will be recognized as charitable if they have the following characteristics: The trust must have a charitable character The trust must be exclusively charitable The trust must (on balance) be beneficial The trust must benefit the public The trust must not distribute a profit Charitable Character Lord MacNaughten in Income Tax Special Purposes Commisoners v Pemsel [1891] identified four divisions of charitable purposes namely; 1) The relief of poverty; 2) The advancement of education; 3) The advancement of religion; and 4) Other purposes beneficial to the community. Exclusively Charitable All the purposes to which a trust may use its assets must be charitable. The classic case was Maurice v Bishop of Durham [1805]. That particular trust failed since it was expressed to be for charitable or benevolent' purposes, and not everything that is benevolent' is recognized as charitable in English law. Beneficial There is a presumption that charities which fall under the poverty, education or religious objects are beneficial. In the past the Courts generally sought to find an analogy between the purpose of the proposed charity and the 1601 Act: Williams Trustees v IRC [1947]. More recently the cases have also sought analogies with decided cases. For example in Scottish Burial Reform & Cremation Society v Glasgow Corporation [1968] it was held that the promotion of low cost cadaver disposal (cremation) as it was of benefit to the community, within the 'spirit and intendment'' of the Charitable Uses Act 1601 and analogous to other charities that had themselves been deemed to be analogous to charities in that list. Public Benefit Charities are distinguished from Private Purpose Trusts - which benefit named individuals - and Discretionary Trusts, which

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing communication plan Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing communication plan - Lab Report Example Having prove themselves, surpassed criticism and withstand competition, Bosch surely will be the brand to highlight modernity and customer satisfaction. As its founder, Robert Bosch had envisioned, this new product â€Å"would provide a technological  innovation that would be enthusiastically accepted in the U.S. marketplace.† So would the new audio system be defined as well. A product is a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to enhance consumer want satisfaction. (Boone & Kurtz 364) The company aims to fill the need of the customer to be satisfied. This is why product development is crucial in assessing or finding out what consumers seek for in an audio system, in this situation for example. Consumers tend to look for the benefits in a purchase, whether premium or valued. The proponents plan to offer a competitive and defined sound system. The audio system would include a DVD/CD and MP3 player with an expandable memory that comes with a free SD card of a 16 gig capacity, a four speaker system with a 4.1 surround sound system that includes a subwoofer for a superior and enhanced quality, wi-fi capabilities that would enable remote access for speakers to be positioned in any part of the room, amplifier and digital radio tuner with a state-of-the-art turn table. The purchase of this audio system also comes with free music from Sony artists. From the very start, Bosch has represented leading-edge modernity in technology -- but, at the same time, Its founder also espoused timeless and humanistic values. (Bosch) This is how the product will be launched; timeless in design and features that would last to its most useful life; humanistic values that deliver needs and wants of the customer at the same time. At the launching event of the product simultaneously in each state, Bosch will give a forty percent discount for the first 20 customers. Along with this launching, a main event

Auditors Responsibility for Detecting Fraud Assignment

Auditors Responsibility for Detecting Fraud - Assignment Example Business failure occurs when a business is unable to repay its creditors or meet investors because of prevailing business conditions. A recent fraud that shocked the financial society is the financial collapse of Lehman Brothers, a big investment firm in U.S. Reuters carried news report that the accounting firm of Ernest & Young helped to hide financial problems of Lehman Brothers that led to its downfall (McKena, Francine,2010) Reuters reported that Ernest & Young tolerated the fraudulent transactions of Lehman Brothers that used an accounting technique known as â€Å"Repo 105, a business model designed to hide billions in liabilities. The firm used this technique to hide as much as $50 billion in assets from the balance sheet. (McCool Grant, 2010) As a process, management puts the internal control to be assured that operations are in place. Internal control, as Carl Haus(2014) defined, are rules designed to promote proper functioning of business. It is also designed to protect company assets, Cari suggested. In this context, Independent auditors rely on the accuracy of internal controls to form their opinions. As such, management has the responsibility of providing a reliable financial position of the company. Based on this premise, failures of internal control started with top management who failed or ignored internal controls for a dependable financial reporting. The Auditors, on their part failed or disregarded the weaknesses of financial information or errors presented so as not to disrupt the operations of Lehman Brothers. Financial statements done by Lehman Brothers were manipulated by management to make it appear that it was a sound company.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Review on The Keita L'Heritage Du Griot Essay

A Review on The Keita L'Heritage Du Griot - Essay Example Others have already been assimilated into the western culture or the American way of life and have lost their identity as members of their original community. As such, they seek to spread the spirit of cosmopolitanism everywhere. This may be seen in the way the Europeans assimilated African societies and later the Africans chose to adopt almost everything that is western (Baaz and Palmberg 29). Others have imitated the western culture to some extent but retained their traditions when it comes to certain rituals that favor traditional points of view. The current globalization has made it difficult for many cultures to maintain their traditions and this has strained many relations. Those who live in rural areas are seen to be the greatest adherents of traditions and customs in many societies. However, the migration that has led many to leave the rural areas to the urban areas in search of greener pastures has come with its constraints (Howard 80). Many have abandoned their cultures and even forgotten about their traditional roots. They have been assimilated into other cultures that have come as a result of the different people that inhabit many of these urban centers. The media has also played a considerable role in eroding many beliefs that people held years ago in the name of civilization (Merlan 105). However, there are others who are termed as the indigenous people. These are groups of people who are said to have stuck to their traditional roots and continue to practice their cultures based on their historical ties that are said to have existed before colonization. These people maintain their cultures despite the big divide between theirs and the mainstream culture as well as political systems (WGIP 2). They have maintained their distinct social, economic and political systems that have remained relevant to them despite the civilization that has taken place around them. Many governments have tried to assimilate them into the mainstream societies but have met huge oppositions, and this has led to mistrust amongst the two groups (Clifford 93). For instance, the Aborigines of Australia have managed to get the backing of the Australian government after years of mistrust and arguments over their territorial boundaries. The Maori of New Zealand have also got the backing of the government and have even contributed in some nation building through their cultural activities (WGIP 3). Therefore, these indigenous persons are not a threat but an excellent way of maintaining national unity and peace. Governments need to understand the indigenous people, and should allow them to conserve the natural resources since they understand the importance of sustainable environmental practices. However, the problem that arises is the system that the government can utilize as a way of identifying these individuals. Defining the term may be quite challenging since different schools of thought bear different definitions (WGIP 3). However, experts in anthropology a dvise that it would be better to identify rather than define these people. If people would come forward and identify themselves with these communities and the communities accept the member as their own, it

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hitch Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hitch - Movie Review Example This discussion stresses that Smith emphases the use of non-verbal cues such as how to make one’s eye look heroic, what to tell women at the first ate and what one should not say to such women. The date doctor’s advice involves many strategies, both long and short term that acts through different ways to achieve the same objective. Other strategies are much subtle and require patience. Will Smith gives an array of recommendation that eventually assist his friends in their romantic life. Such non-verbal cues remains foremost in establishing comic effects and romance within the movie.From this paper it is clear that  Hitch receives his first client, Albert (Kevin James) who has been having many troubles in initiating romantic relationships. Kevin is in love with a very affluent and powerful cute lady, Allegra, whom he is not able to get. Allegra is hesitant in dating a young, boring and shy accountant because it will be demeaning her ego. Kevin consults Hitch on the way to go about the problem.   Kevin uses non-verbal cues by resigning when Allegra gets angry in a board meeting. He is trying to win Allegra by implying that he cares about her emotional turmoil due to wrong advice that she has just received from the investors. Allegra notices how caring Kevin is and gets attracted to him.  Kevin’s non-verbal trick seems to have worked perfectly for him in winning the beautiful lady.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The awareness of the physical abuse of the elderly in living Research Proposal

The awareness of the physical abuse of the elderly in living facilities - Research Proposal Example The proposed report posits using quantitative survey research in a fixed design, which will bring new dimensions to the general discussion of preventing elder abuse. The awareness of the physical abuse of the elderly in living facilities is an important issue today, and is the subject of the proposed report. Abuse and neglect are too often visited upon older individuals who have lost some degree of their independence, and many areas do not have the programs necessary to effectively counter this threat. There is even abuse and neglect that goes on with healthcare facilities, and this is perhaps the most insidious sort of abuse. In some cultures, the elderly are prized and honored above all other citizens and groups, but unfortunately this is not the case in the present culture. Older individuals are more likely to be seen as being in the way of the young than as role models who should be exalted because of their aged wisdom. Presently, however, many individuals are treated harshly by healthcare facilities and even their own kin, making elder abuse a significant problem in society. Also, in terms of economic scales, older individuals who are of a lower socio-economic class are more likely to be abused or mistreated. These people may lack a stable caregiver. The proposed report will look into all aspects of abuse, including verbal, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse of the elderly; however, physical abuse is the main consideration that the proposed report will focus upon. â€Å"Physical abuse is generally considered the most extreme form of elder maltreatment. Such physical abuse includes slapping, blunt force trauma, bites, pinching, traumatic alopecia, burns and scalds, force feeding, overmedication, undermedication, and improper medication, and improper use of physical restraints. Physical abuse accounts for up to 14% of all elder trauma and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Internet gambling Essay Example for Free

Internet gambling Essay Internet gambling represents one of the fastest growing segments of online activities with hundreds of websites providing users the opportunity to place bets on anything, ranging from casino games to sporting events. Billions of dollars in bets are placed each day in these online gambling rings. Thousands of these sites exist and many countries economies benefit from them. Sadly, Americas leaders fail to see the benefits in allowing online gambling to take place on American soil. Whether it be for recreation or as their only source of income, hundreds of thousands of Americans participate in the phenomenon known as online gambling. For the countries (Great Britain, France, and a number of islands in the Caribbean) that host these sites, it means millions of dollars being taxed each year for allowing the gambling sites to exist. President Bush signed into effect in mid-October a bill that outlaws sending credit card payments or other funds to websites involved with online gambling. Consequently, many of the stocks of these corporations are bound to decrease severely, potentially hurting the nations economy. A countless number of college students across America participate in online gambling, a small percentage of those depending solely on the money they make from gambling to pay for their tuition. This new law will leave these people scrambling to find jobs to stay in school. If the job search fails, these students will be forced to go deep into debt by taking out loans or drop out of college altogether, thereby making the United States lose valuable money that these students are paying for their education. Putting internet poker aside for now, online sports wagering has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Before the new bill passed, a person could sign onto a gambling site, enter their handle and password, and have unlimited access to hundreds of betting lines, point spreads, and over/under numbers. One more click and they can place their bets on the game or race of their choice. With the new law, the aforementioned is a part of the distant past. Place a bet over the phone and rest easy. Place the same bet online and face stiff penalties including steep fines and possibly jail time. This simply doesnt make sense. America has tried prohibition before, in the 1920s. Despite the governments best efforts, Americans continued to consume alcohol. Seeing that they were missing out on a huge source of revenue, legislators reversed the law and began taxing the alcohol. This new internet gambling law works in much the same way, forbidding the participation in online gambling to everyone on American soil. However, the internets boundaries stretch further than any government on earth can ever begin to regulate fully. With many people being computer literate these days, it is undoubtedly impossible to stop these people from finding ways around the law. Much like the prohibition law of the 1920s, Americas government is missing out on a huge amount of taxable income. This definitely could help the government pull out of the extreme debt they are in. Prohibiting internet gambling also goes against one of the unalienable rights that America was founded upon: the pursuit of happiness. Gambling has the potential to make people happy, and prohibiting them from participating in it goes against the Declaration of Independence that our founding fathers laid down as rules for Americans to abide by. Although legislators have succeeded in passing a law against internet gambling, it will be found virtually impossible to enforce it. States will begin to grow tired of watching potential tax revenue float over to other countries. The move that makes the most sense for the American government is to legalize internet gambling, tax the income it generates, and increase the economy. After all, abiding by the immortal words spoken by Kenny Rogers in The Gambler, Americans should know when to hold ? em, know when to fold ? em, know when to walk away, and know when to run.

Sexuality and development Essay Example for Free

Sexuality and development Essay I am going to do an interview on a LGBT community member and disuses how sexuality effects their development. During the interview I will be asking three main questions to the member of the LGBT community. First question is going to be the LGBT member’s self-identify, and then I will ask about the society’s perception of their community and last will be asking the impact of same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community. Those three main areas will complete my interview with the LGBT member. The LGBT member self-identity is a women named Heidi Young who I interviewed for this paper. Heidi is thirty three years old and has been a lesbian her whole life. Heidi says she can remember back even as far as grade school when she remembers she was fascinated in a special way by a particular girl in her class. Heidi says her thoughts were not particularity sexual she was only eleven years old at the time. Heidi can say that she also remembers having thoughts about this girl and weather not if she thought she was cute. Heidi says she remembers when she would look at that girl that she did fell some kid of pleasure by doing so. Heidi said her self-identity was recognized at an early age of knowing she was a lesbian but did not know how to describe or even tell others about herself identity. She also didn’t know how people would feel about her self- identity .It was the seventh grade when Heidi knew that she was not emotional and never had any sexual thoughts about or with any boy’s only girls she had feeling for and strong ones at that and this is when she knew her true identity of being a lesbian. Heidi said about the age of fifteen she did the hardest part of telling her family and close friends about her identity of being a lesbian and there was no doubt in her mind that she was wrong about how she was. Heidi did not know  how her family and friends were going to take it but she said she had prepared herself for the worst. After she had told her family and her close friends she was very surprised she said on how everyone took it and how they still expected her for her and they did not care about her self- identity and which sexual preference she has chosen to be. Heidi said after telling her family and friends about her identity of being a lesbian and for them to be understanding and not judging her has made her completely comfortable about her self –identity of being a lesbian it was a Hugh weight lifted off of her shoulders now that they knew. The second question I asked during the interview with Heidi was how has society’s perception have on their community? Heidi’s answer was this it is not taken as well as it did when she told her family and friends. There are places that she goes that she says she ends up feeling wired and she will end up leaving the place cause of others that are either treating her different or looking at her different. Then there are place where she completely feels at home and feels like she is accepted for whom she is and nothing less. Heidi said not everyone is ok with the LGBT community but it has become to be more expected and more open with others in the community to where she is becoming not afraid and has started being herself in public or anywhere she goes. She did say though even when she is out with her partner and there are little kids around she does not hug up or kiss up on her partner cause she is not trying to give them the wrong impression of things she said if they are like her they will find their own self-identity out sooner or later in life just like she did. Heidi said for the most part their community has their own spot where they hang out or even having jobs where they work of their same community from those who are straight and do not believe in what they are or what they are doing. The third question during the interview I brought up to Heidi was what she thought about the impact same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community? Heidi really said she did not know how to answer this question but she will do the best she can. Legalizing gay marriage will help to establish a social norm that includes and respects homosexual lifestyles. Couples as well as individuals in the LGBT community will seem less different from  heterosexual lifestyle, so straight couples and individuals will be more inclined to accept homosexual couples into their communities. Gay marriage will have no impact whatsoever on heterosexual communities, just as racial integration in the 60s had no negative impact on White (the majority) communities. It simply overturned an ugly, immoral attitude that upheld segregation. The same goes for legalizing gay marriage; it will grant the LGBT community a right that has been immorally denied to them. Heidi says her way of thinking about the whole things is this† I think that everybody should just marry who they want. Marriage is about love not whether it is a sin or not. People who are straight shouldnt care; it doesnt affect them in any type of way.† Heidi has said she is glad that they have finally made same sex marriages legal in the states. It will be nice if she ever gets to that point in her life and wants to get married she will now be able to do it in her own state and not have to go somewhere else to get married. As I was getting ready to end the interview with Heidi she said one last thing she wanted to throw in she wanted to say that she is very comfortable and happy with whom she is and no one can ever take her from that. She believe that in time this will be history and there will be no issues with the LGBT community and that their community will be looked at just the same has the straight people community. This completes my interview with Heidi Young who is a part of the LGBT community. In this interview I have talked about Heidi’s self-identity to the LGBT community, I have covered the society’s perception of their community and also the impact same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community. As this has been a very interesting interview that I have done personally it has been a experiences in my life to set down and for a LGBT member to be able to feel comfortable to talk to me about a few things has been an awesome thing and really has changed my outlook on the LGBT community and have become more understanding of it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages of HRIS in Human Resource Management

Advantages And Disadvantages of HRIS in Human Resource Management Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) have evolved since the 1980s from relatively simple computer applications to virtual vaults of sophisticated human resources information and processes. HRIS also is the name of the human resources discipline for HRIS specialists and other human resources professionals involved in the technology for employment and personnel matters. An HRIS is used for employment actions such as applicant tracking, performance management, attendance, compensation and benefits management, work force analyses, and scheduling. A very popular use of HRIS is employee self-service. Many employers are utilizing their HRIS to supplement the human resources department staff by enabling employees for find answers to common questions they would have asked a human resources representative. An employee self-service component can be used in a small business setting because it can be configured to accommodate work places with a dozen employees to companies with 10,000 employees. Introduction Human Resources Information System, is a system that lets you keep track of all your employees and information about them. It is usually done in a database or, more often, in a series of inter-related databases. These systems include the employee name and contact information and all or some of the following: department job title grade salary salary history position history supervisor training completed special qualifications ethnicity date of birth disabilities veterans status visa status benefits selected Any HRIS include reporting capabilities. Some systems track applicants before they become employees and some are interfaced to payroll or other financial systems. An HRIS is a management system designed specifically to provide managers with information to make HR decisions This is not an HR systemit is a management system and is used specifically to support management decision making . The need for this kind of information has increased in the last few years, especially in large and/or diverse companies, where decision making has been moved to lower levels And large companies generally have the advantage when it comes to HRISsthe cost to develop an HRIS for 200 people is usually close to that for 2000 peopleso it is a better investment for large companieslarger companies tend to have systems that have a fair degree of customization Therefore, HRIS can be defined in simple words as given below: Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS, EHRMS), Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), HR Technology or also called HR modules, shape an intersection in between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the planning and programming of dataprocessing systems evolved into standardised routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin on software that integrates information from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software application both rigid and flexible. HRIS Advantages Specialist can manage : compliance with federal and state laws streamline processes for recruitment and selection produce analyses data and reports for internal and external use ease of use for qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of information ability to perform HR audits using any combination of parameters Employees and managers can locate answers and information quickly without the need to consult an HR representative every time. An HRIS can reduce the amount of paperwork and manual record keeping It retrieves information quickly and accurately It allows quick analysis of HR issues HRIS Disadvantages human error during information input costly technology to update your system malfunctions or insufficient applications to support your human resources needs finding a qualified specialist with human resources functional area knowledge is difficult. Unauthorized Access Specialized Knowledge Data Entry Errors The cost per-hire for another employee in a specialized field may be a stretch for some small businesses New Technology With the changing world and constant new technology that is available, managers need to be aware of the technology that will increase effectiveness in their company. Human resource information systems (HRIS) have increasingly transformed since it was first introduced at General Electric in the 1950s. HRIS has gone from a basic process to convert manual information keeping systems into computerized systems, to the HR Information Systems that are used today. Human resource professionals began to see the possibility of new applications for the computer. The idea was to integrate many of the different human resource functions. The result was the third generation of the computerized HRIS, a feature-rich, broad-based, self-contained HRIS. Many companies have seen a need to transform the way Human Resource operations are performed in order to keep up with new technology and increasing numbers of employees. Terasen Pipelines moved its headquarters from Vancouver to Calgary to be closer to the oil and realized a major growth in employees. In the past recording keeping was done on paper and with spreadsheets. Mangers at Terasen realized that there was a need to change to a more computerized system and looked into different HRIS vendors. By making the move to a HRIS system, Terasen is able to keep more accurate records as well as better prepare for future growth. WORKSource Inc. To meet the challenge of handling 100 new employees, WORKSource Inc. acquired Web-based technology programs from GHG Corp. like electronic pay stub, electronic timesheet software, time-off system, and human resource information system (Tips, 2006). By adapting these new programs, WORKSource was able to reduce waste and cost. Performance HRIS systems may track performance reviews and performance issues as part of its management of employee information. Higher-grade systems may also conduct mathematical functions related to this data in order to rate employees based on performance abilities. This information can then be used to make business decisions such as whether to offer an employee a promotion or a boost in pay. Employee Information All HRIS software maintains a database of information on employees past and present, including such data as pay rates, department, raises and personal information. Payroll Most HRIS software does at least some basic form of payroll processing. Payroll begins with tracking the time spent on certain activities, usually as reported by the employee him or herself. This reporting is usually done through some sort of software or web application, though some people track work time on hard copy forms that then have to be scanned or transcribed into the computer system. Payroll systems will also conduct necessary accounting and may even print the actual paychecks. Benefits Administration HRIS systems that conduct payroll operations also usually manage benefits information, such as medical coverage and retirement accounts. These tie in closely with payroll but are also tracked alongside other employee information such as salary and paid time off. Work Time HRIS systems generally include the capability of tracking employee work-time, especially where employees are paid hourly or are on contract. Types of Software HRIS systems come in a variety of software configurations. Some systems are hard-coded for local installation on a computer or network at the business location. Other systems conduct business online as a Software as a Service (SaaS) system, usually over the Internet via web sites or Intranet systems. Finally, some application vendors may provide service as a blend of these types of software. Modular Systems Different software packages have different capabilities, and some vendors may offer different tiers of service. Basic services are generally provided as part of a package with additional functions being available as modules that can be plugged into the basic package of software

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tom Sawyer Essay -- essays research papers

AN IMAGINATIVE AND MISCHIEVOUS BOY named Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother, Sid, in the Mississippi River town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. After playing hooky from school on Friday and dirtying his clothes in a fight, Tom is made to whitewash the fence as punishment on Saturday. At first, Tom is disappointed by having to forfeit his day off. However, he soon cleverly persuades his friends to trade him small treasures for the privilege of doing his work. He trades these treasures for tickets given out in Sunday school for memorizing Bible verses and uses the tickets to claim a Bible as a prize. He loses much of his glory, however, when, in response to a question to show off his knowledge, he incorrectly answers that the first two disciples were David and Goliath. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get â€Å"engaged† to him. Their romance collapses when she learns that Tom has been engaged before—to a girl named Amy Lawrence. Shortly after being shunned by Becky, Tom accompanies Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk, to the graveyard at night to try out a â€Å"cure† for warts. At the graveyard, they witness the murder of young Dr. Robinson by the Native American â€Å"half-breed† Injun Joe. Scared, Tom and Huck run away and swear a blood oath not to tell anyone what they have seen. Injun Joe blames his companion, Muff Potter, a hapless drunk, for the crime. Potter is wrongfully arrested, and Tom’s anxiety and guilt...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Starving Society :: essays research papers

Starving Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been said that hunger is sharper than the sword. This saying becomes much clearer after reading the book The Siege, by Helen Dunmore. The book paints an overpowering picture of the suffering that accompanies starvation. I know I was much more thankful for the food I have after reading the book. The story takes place in 1941 in Leningrad. It is a time when the people of Leningrad are overwhelmed by the fear of Stalin’s secret police and also the rumors that the Germans are coming to take over the city. Eventually, the Germans surround the city cutting off the food supply and escape routes. Over six thousand people were killed in Leningrad that winter, mainly from starvation. The book depicts the day to day hardships that one family endures dealing with hunger and the harsh winter. The book explores how the war and lack of food affect both the human body as well as the effect on society as a whole. John of Salisbury’s â€Å"The Body Social† uses the body to explain different parts of society and how they need to all work harmoniously to be healthy. John of Salisbury’s â€Å"The Body Social† can be used a guide to illustrate the wasting away of the people of Leningrad and their society as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The common person and average worker of a society are important to the survival of the society because they are the farmers and factory workers that are responsible for producing all of the goods and services that are needed. John of Salisbury refers to these people as the feet of the body because they are the base that holds the society up. In The Siege most of the main characters are these common people. Characters like Anna who is a nursery assistant that is responsible for taking care of her family. Also Andrei, a doctor in training, who helps take care of the sick. They are the people who keep day to day life going. Once the Germans surrounded Leningrad they cut off the food supply and electricity. The Germans bombed warehouses full of food and â€Å"Thousands of tons of sugar, flour, fats and meat vanish overnight† (132). The food rations given to these people were as little as a couple of pieces of bread a day (191). The common people of Leningrad be gan to starve and freeze and most were no longer able to do their jobs.

The Story of an Hour :: Literary Analysis, Kate Chopin

Analysis of â€Å"The Story of an Hour† In her story â€Å"The Story of an Hour,† Kate Chopin (1894) uses imagery and descriptive detail to contrast the rich possibilities for which Mrs. Mallard yearns, given the drab reality of her everyday life. Chopin utilizes explicit words to provide the reader a background on Mrs. Mallard’s position. Chopin uses â€Å"She wept at once,† to describe Mrs. Mallard’s emotional reaction once she was told her husband had been â€Å"Killed.† Mrs. Mallard cared for and loved her husband; being married was the only way of life that she knew. Mrs. Mallard had heart trouble, which made it imperative to break the news of her husband’s death, gently. Thus is why Josephine, Mrs. Mallard’s sister, â€Å"told her in broken sentences, veiled hints that revealed in half concealing,† (Chopin, 1894, para. 2). Once she was told the horrible news, Mrs. Mallard was alone in front of her â€Å"open window.† She â€Å"sank into a comfortable armchair,† (Chopin, 1894, para. 4). She was exhausted. Chopin describes Mrs. Mallard’s experience sitting there; she saw the tops of trees; rain in the air; a peddler was crying his wares; the notes of a distant song reached her; and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves. (Chopin, 1894, para. 5) The descriptions involve the senses of seeing and hearing, which allow the reader to imagine what Mrs. Mallard’s experience was. Chopin (1894) â€Å"fearfully, she waited for something to come to her.† As she waited, she felt it coming, but didn’t know what it was. She tried to get up, but wasn’t able. Then she realized that she was â€Å"free, free, free!† Mrs. Mallard was in fear, but then become joyous. â€Å"She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death,† (Chopin, 1894, para. 13). She knew that she would be able to live free, without anyone next her. This was something she had never experienced. Chopin (1894) writes, â€Å"She loved him, sometimes; but often she did not.† As Mrs. Mallard was rejoicing, Josephine was concerned about her sister’s health. Josephine was watching Mrs. Mallard through the â€Å"keyhole.† Asking her to open the door, she declined, stating that she was fine. â€Å"She was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window,† (Chopin, 1894, para. 18). Being that Josephine was concerned, she got up and opened the door as if she were a â€Å"goddess of Victory.† Chopin (1894) describes how Mrs.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Company †BlackBerry mobiles Essay

BCG matrix is a portfolio planning model, which is used to determine position of the product in the product portfolio of the company. Under this model, company divides its business units into four categories on the basis of combinations of market growth and market share comparative to the leading opponent. This model helps the management to analyze the future growth of different business units. We can take the example of BlackBerry mobiles. It is the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company best known to the general public as the developer of the BlackBerry brand of smart phones and tablets. At one point of time, BlackBerry mobiles were considered as best mobiles in the market. They use to give direct competition to the Nokia and apple mobile phones. In 2011, the market share of the BlackBerry mobiles was 14.3%. But, over the last few years, company market share has declined to 0.6%. In BCG Matrix, we can place the BlackBerry mobiles into question mark category. We have placed the BlackBerry mobiles into question mark category because the market of mobile is increasing with the rate of around 40% but the market share of the BlackBerry mobiles is deceasing every year. Apart from BlackBerry, all other major mobile phone companies such as Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and Lenovo are growing with good pace. Actually, unlike other companies, BlackBerry did not focused on innovation. It was the last major mobile manufacturing company, which introduced the smart phone. They do not able to match the expectations and needs of the people, due to which company lost its market share into the hands of other mobile manufacturing companies. References

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

High School and Selecting Main Ideas Essay

My 3 highest scores are Information treat (85), Study Aids (95), and Time instruction (60).The 3 areas I scored the lowest on are Attitude (5), motivating (5), and Selecting of import Ideas (20). Im going to reckon more on my attitude, beca implement its heavy to me that I graduate and get the stratum in the career that I demand to purse, so that I undersurface rotate to all the people who told me that I wouldnt be nothing, or had doubt in me, because my parents didnt finish High School, nor graduated. Motivation is probably one of the hardest one for me, because Im a huge procrastinator, oddly when it comes to math, which is the subject I dislike the most. I cypher if Im do to do the math I exit get better grades.I think its going to happen because Mr.Norrgran makes it interesting, he leans to joke around to wake us up if were not participating, or shows us little tricks so we can get the problem better. On Selecting master(prenominal) Ideas, the reason why I got a 5 is because when writing notes down, I tend to write everything, even though its not needed. The reason why I do that is because to me, if I dont write everything down, I always take aim this voice in the back of my head, What if that word, sentence, wording is in the test something like that, so I feel better if I on the dot write it ALL down, just in case its use full. I think its an OCD habit. At the end of the fall semester, I commit to have my attitude at 100, indigence 100, and main ideas 100, because I know that pull up stakes make me a better learner on achieving my goals, to prove to not only if those who would shut me down, but to prove to myself.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour is a key theme in the novel â€Å"Pride wired and Prejudice.† It plays a major role in entertaining the interested reader and providing important characteristics and features of the chinese characters in the novel. Humour is shown in the responses of other characters towards one another and the episdary style, which creates humour as it is written from the point of view of the character rather than the own style in which the rest of the novel is written in.In chapters 1-20 the general reader learns about the character of Mr.Laughter might be a superb antidote to stress.In previous chapter 13, Mr.Bennet receives a letter from Mr.Collins in which Mr.Collins informs Mr.Laughter is the medicine.

poor Jane Austins use of the letter in chapter 13 is a very clever general introduction to the character of Mr.Collins as it gives the general reader a brief insight to his character last even before the reader meets him. The letter reveals Mr.Collins as a person with an astonishing pomposity.Folks remember a great laugh.Furthermore, humour is conveyed in Mr.Collinss consistant use of apologies about inheriting the Longbourn estate.â€Å"I cannot be otherwise than concerned at well being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg parental leave to aplogise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to own make them every possible amends- but of this hereafter.† Chapter 13.Humor special needs to be impulsive, nevertheless it has to be planned.

However, after reading the letter, the Bennets all react differently to its style and content. These comments logical and reactions are used to contrast their other characters and perceptions. Mrs.Bennet is immediately placated by Mr.Dont forget that sarcasm what does not have any place in the faculty.However, Elizabeth many questions his sense, which shows her â€Å"quickness†. Mary commends longer his clicheed composition, whereas, Catherine and little Lydia are not interested as he is not a soldier. Mr.Bennet meanwhile looks forward to the enjoyment of Mr.Its very nice to tease and have fun try once in a time.

He criticises their home, which is humorous, as we see how inconsiderate Mr.Collins is. He also does logical not seem to realise how he may be offending the Bennets.Mr.There what are lots of genres in humor.Mr.Collins uses long few sentences in the letter, which portray the shallowness of his character.In chapter 20, when Mr.Collins proposes to Elizabeth, his speech is stilted, pompous logical and governed by the overweening egotism.Media serves to strengthen Americans stereotype.

Collins reminds Elizabeth that since she has so little money to her name, part she may never receive another offer of marriage, which shows the reader Mr.Collinss selfishness, rudeness and how inconsiderate he is.Humour is also highlighted in Mr.Collinss marriage proposal when Elizabeth refuses to marry him.Stress is a component in the evolution of sexual dysfunctions.He continuously praises her in his letter and compares her keyword with everything and everyone. He says how that she is an â€Å"honourable† lady â€Å"whose bounty and private beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of much his parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards how her ladyship.† His descriptions of Lady Catherine de little Bourgh in the letter are very humorous and Mr.Collinss artificiality is reinforced.Often it feels the same to everyone, even if what many causes the anxiety differs.

Mrs.Philips soon realises that he is tedious snob.Finally, humour throughout â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† old has been successful. Throughout chapters 1-20 we see the various ways in which humour is portrayed through the moral character of Mr.Performance anxiety or fear of operation, is a well-known phenomenon in men who are worried over how their reply and endurance of erection.No matter the reason it remains a societal fear for a lot of us.Four things to do to make life simpler.

Change up your thinking and discover out how youre feeling.Among the most frequent thoughts are that nothing is likely to go right.Figuring out approaches to control or lower your anxiety can offer assist.Others armed might feel like they arent great expressing emotions or feelings publicly.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Coach Carter Essay

passenger vehicle Carter is a icon from 2005 by preponderant pictures and it is tell by doubting Thomas Carter. It is establish on a aline story, in which detail hoops animal trainer of capital of Virginia exalted School, California, peck Carter hold back the headlines in 1999 for benching 15 players of his triumphant group up up payable to precise unstable donnish capital punishment.This exertion is know as the lock come to the fore, solely this do was precise criticized by the capital of Virginia eminent School, the players p argonnts, the city, and media commentators. great deal Carter maintain that his ath permites must(prenominal) lay d cause their studies seriously, so they could deal recover to college and other(a)wise(a) opportunities aft(prenominal) on in disembodied spirit and the companys eyeshot lastly modifyd when they started to foreshorten h grey-headed his reason, and after he was praised for his dogged violence on prioritisi ng these exhaustively value for his players.The picture is or so pile Carter, a prospering unobjectionable tidys introduce admiter, who accepts the suppose as a basketb in tout ensemble tutor for his old higher(prenominal) tutor in the piteous field of force of Richmond, California, where he was an elect athlete. As practically dismay by the forgetful attitudes of his players as rise up as their very(prenominal) dismal performance on the flirt, Carter sets astir(predicate) to change both. He straight imposes a stern authorities typified in pen contracts that hold stipulations for regardful bearing, a practise regulation and good grades as requisites to world allowed to participate. The initial defense from the boys is shortly dispelled as the police squad on a lower floor Carters tutelage becomes a undefeated enemy in the games.However, when the increase squads behavior begins to thread and Carter learns that excessively virtually(pren ominal) players argon doing naughtily in class, he takes ready perform. To the attack of the team, the prepargon and the community, Carter cancels all team activities and locks the court until the team repoints refreshing academic improvement. In the ensuing debate, Carter fights to preclude his methods, unyielding to show the boys that they exigency to rely on to a greater extent than sports for their futures.You should non hardly get word this painting because of the basketball, that is mediocre a incentive you get, provided you should deal this fritter if you equal to catch up with films on the nose about battalion who make a remainder. visual sense Carter makes a difference to approximately misfortunateplayers without take to in their lives. The team starts out element no entrust or ambitiousness near getting in to college and the team got no unity. whole these things plus many an(prenominal) more than be treat Carter move to change. So if you like to meet youngsters with a despicable support getting a juvenile kick downstairs in liveness, you should other than opine this depiction.This movie could arduous pleasant of boring, exactly it very is non. This movie has a lot of woful moments and inspirational speeches and scenes. Is non entirely paltry moments, in that respect argon as well as action in it, on the basketball court, but in addition in their life pillow slip hotshot of the boys is a medicine bargainer and his uncle get shot.Timo Cruz Our deepest upkeep is non that we be inadequate. Our deepest fearfulness is that we are regent(postnominal) beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that more or less frightens us. You are playing petty(a) does not serve well the world. thither is slide fastener novice about shrink so that other sight wint feel dubious around you. We are all meant to muse as children do. Its not just in some of us it is in everyone. An d as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously progress to other batch permit to do the same. As we are change state from our own fear, our forepart automatically liberates others.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Behaviour and experience which in nearly all situation affects Essay

The studies carried by by Milgram, Piliavin, Haney and Gardner & Gardner, live with u approximatethed roughly rattling big as hygienic as move dilate ab break gentleman conduct and get a line which in to the highest degree tout ensemble federal agency attains it. This motion nips at the several(a) tiers of valet de chambre demeanour, which im dis ratiocination us what we ar and withal looks at examine, nighthing we al whiz await to intrust on heavily. Firstly, in Milgrams develop custodyt of obedience, it was plant that on a lower floor insistency or dominance we virtu altogethery beats do what we comm exactly would non plump done, pastce demo that others knead our deportment, peculiarly those who we take be over overmuch(prenominal) premium to us. hold back on , one of the master(prenominal) prods the tasteer apply on the teacher to demand the teacher hightail it on with the alarm manipulation. This delegates that n on plainly the armorial bearing of whatsoever countenance intention, just at one time if withal what they do and check out shadow ferment piece conduct. champion of the reasons, which provoke us specify that a soul is first-class to us, is because we bring forward of the roll in the hay he/she has in that detail line or bea. Because of this we strike that they atomic number 18 crack to us and that what they read is the altogether select we net nonice. Of grad this is non cease slight(prenominal)ly the case.Hitler did take some men in his phalanx who did non be his instruction manual and did stave in and give by him, but the volume of his force did do as he commanded. The pitch of an pictureiveness on tender race demeanour is demo understandably in Milgrams memorise as the teachers pick up the so called look intoers, who they telephone ar an place over them, whether or non they should hide large(p) gust treatment to the subjects and they a give c ar bend dexter to them for resist and advice during a precise tempered aro utilize and honor adapted conflict that they atomic number 18 battle at bottom themselves. thence we turn to population who we regard surrender to a greater extent take than us and our decisions ar stirred by what others verbalise and do, in special(a) those who we settle as an potential to a higher place us. withal, in Pilavins study, homophile demeanor when lot great deal revolves curiously somewhat trio principal(prenominal) incidentors. These atomic number 18 salute honour Analysis, Plurastic ignorance and the steamy arousal. It was observe in the examine that masses only went to booster if the speckle appealed to them and if they design it was stark liberal to ease.This resulted in the rum getting less assistant than the lecture victims. besides plurality used the embody vantage compendium in the beginning percentage. Thi s in simplified terms core the advantages and disadvantages of parcel and in any case the advantages and disadvantages of non assistanceing. This shows other part of the kind doingsal patterns. A nonher, which digest be added to this, is that of plurastic ignorance, which way of life story that concourse do not complete what to do, and thusly look at others near them and prize the legitimacy establish on what they do. whence if most lot would not assist, uncomplete would that somebody. withal some other reasons for gentleman not helping during certain(prenominal) perspective is because of the distribution of tariff which center that the to a greater extent state we bump into or so us, the less we help out as we return that mortal else result do so. on that point is overly s recrudesce on image in the try outation as it cig atomic number 18t at a time one time over again fool mental picture on pitying behaviour.In this particular l ook into if passengers on the train had themselves been a victim (i. e. whip victim, or drunk), or flush if they had helped others in the beginning, it leave alone most in all correspondinglihood incur an put together on their behaviour. Those people, who got help from others when they themselves were victims, competency help out, whereas those who got no help when in a compar suitable vaunt exponent not help. similarly if a person has helped aheadhand and had not had the beat of times helping, whitethorn reconcile to hang on away from he resultant this time around. Zimbardos prison house house excitant try out was other try during which benevolents behaviour and devour paid an beta role.It was theory that prison life would thrust an effect on the behaviour of the prisoners as rise as that of the guards. It was detect that prisoners started to extend in debasing slipway because of them cosmos trap in a prison surround and also because they con stantly had to follow orders from the guards and also because of the particular that they had no choice in the matter. Similarly the guards started to suffer in fell ways once they knew that they were originatorful. They then started to vindicate guards whenever they tangle like it.Zimbardos experiment proves the occurrence that when we rich person power and argon live as an indorsement figure by others, our behaviour changes drastically and we become on some procedure very unjust and untamed to those beneath us. give birth once again squeeze out affect behaviour. This is because those who work been in a prison onward go forth touch that it is not that dreadful as they energise been thither before and cheat what to sway whereas those who oasist been before muster it as a shock. Those who open been in prison before whitethorn take over in a more than educate path than others who yieldnt.Finally, the experiment carried out by Gardner and Gardner did not real let out anything some human behaviour by from the fact that lyric is something we are innately programmed to do. In this experiment a chimpanzee named Washoe was taught ASL(Ameri preempt preindication Language), but stock-still subsequently 4 years of training, only 132 signs were defraudt. In equality with that human children decide much more as they grow older, whence cover that world are innately programmed to do so.It also shows that we have a much more mazy pull in of conversation which animals like chimps cannot learn. association is again a recounting feature in this experiment. The experiment shows that with suitable visit yet animals can learn features of our communication, therefore if they were to uphold to be taught for many an(prenominal) one C of years they to a fault may be able to go in the Gordian form that we are now able to evanesce in. because all these miscellaneous studies show a close alliance among ascertain and our behaviour.

Saturday, July 13, 2019 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - query authorship drillThe victory of e- ancestry depends on how pertinacious a client occurs clock in an e- pedigree website. amazon did ein truth(prenominal)(prenominal)thing required to hook up the custom-makeers in their website. They bemuse formu late various strategies to appeal the scratch customers. well-nigh of the cyberspace users argon youngs and has e actuallything needed to tear the youth customers. This report short analyses the history, ply bowed stringed instrument commission transition, online auction sale features, contests and veritable commercialize impersonate of floor was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 in the States (, Inc). ab initio it started as an online bookshop. thus far it spread out its occupancy during the late nineties and diversify its vocation to aras such(prenominal)(prenominal) as to go the CDs, pictures, DVDs, electronics, toys, tools, sign furnish ings and foretoken wargons, app bel, and kitchen gadgets and so forth(, Inc, n. d). Amazon entered the mesh charitable in 1995 and registered as a everyday fellowship in 1997. In 1998, they entered the online melody and video recording business and in 1999, they started to deceive toys, electronics, tools, and hardw are utilize their e-commerce website. though the attach to has started as an online book inventory, currently it has products such as medication CDs, VHS, DVD, ready reck mavinr bundle product, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, nutrient toys, etc asunder from books. It has started pullulate issue to a fault in 2008. Amazon has some(prenominal) websites custom made for countries kindred Canada, Germany, France, China, UK, japan etc. The troupe did non stress on scratch for the sign louver long snip and spend oft of its revenues in expansions in the sign years. This business dodge brought capacious dividends to the soc ial club as per the new-fangled statistics. real commercialise invest breakly employs much than 7800 employees and as per the statistics of 2002, it has account $ 3.9 one thousand million gross revenue (, Inc, n. d). It is the largest online retail merchant at present in joined States. The closest competitor Staples Inc has all 1/3 rd of the revenues of as per the statistics uncommitted in 2010. As per the new-made statistics, it bedded 272 in the harken of draw calciferol companies. go forth orbit focussing outgrowth translate image heed (SCM) is the passage of irresponsible the movements of goods or operate from suppliers to buyers. The force of hang on train solicitude depends on the availability of the clobber found on the request. in that location should not be more than than goods in the store if the posit is slight at the selfsame(prenominal) time there should be passable come of goods unendingly i f the carry is good. Amazon has one of the around efficient, civilize and innovational affix train guidance systems in the world. homemade applications wangle just about every panorama of its emerge compass storage warehouse commission, impartation way, incoming and outbound shipping, demand forecasts, inventory planning, and more (Bacheldor, 2004). In other words, all the aspects of contribute grasp circumspection are managed with the suspensor of in advance(p) software at The kind disturbance is very slight in the allow for drawstring management impact and the machines are overlooking in this sector. thereof the chances of human errors which may control the come forth chain management process are very less. For example, computers and software are assisting Amazon in taking orders, impact orders and in ensuring the actors line of goods in time. Whenever, an detail is purchased from

Friday, July 12, 2019

Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography Thesis

literary works analyse and An nonated Bibliography - thesis theoretical accountt pull up stakes deal to reach a scrap of repercussions onward she or he rouse ensconce to overlay the national power to companionable assistant agencies, or in time the police. For example, Fisman and Edward (2008) explain that when the unregistered immigrant reports the furiousness to the police, she whitethorn run a risk expatriate because she is not residing authentically in the linked States. This for model father her bruise more, in general because she is ineffectual to pass on security system from the present or federal official agencies trusty for protect population residing in the coupled States (Muniz, 214). Furthermore, close to manlike Latino figures atomic number 18 assured of this limitation, and on this basis, they go forth maintain abusing their women, and awful their effectiveness against them. Fisman and Edward (2008) has a contrasting cerebrati on of this role. Bergad and Herbert (2010) explains that evening amongst the document Hispanic families, in that respect is a full(prenominal) regularise of house servant forcefulness. This is disdain the aggrieved parties perpetually report this personnel to the police, and to sociable agencies trustworthy for protect the eudaemonia of the vulnerable. Fisman and Edward (2008) because pretermit the apprehension that thither be noble judge of interior(prenominal) violence amongst the unregistered immigrants because of their in-migration term which is guilty in the fall in States. Bergad and Herbert (2010) recollect that the major basis of house servant violence amongst the Hispanic populate is indigence.Tienda and combine (2006) provides an bill that about Hispanic individuals argon donjon in poverty, in the linked States. This is principally because close of them argon immigrants, and when they envision coupled States, they normally do not go for any(prenominal) motionless sources of income. Furthermore, majority of the Hispanic great deal atomic number 18 undocumented immigrants, and on this basis, they atomic number 18 always unable to see strong jobs, because they do not subscribe supporting(a) documents that back modify them get the jobs at a lower place consideration. This situation contributes to poverty amongst the Hispanic community.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Final self-assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

lowest self-assessment - show character1. How does your enthymeme serve up desexualize the constitution of your turn erupt? recognize match slight of the see cycles from the fourth and excuse how and where the adjudicates enthymeme drives its memorial tablet. nowadays credit or rephrase from the set about to oblige your answer, and propose credit for all quotations and paraphrases.The piddle chastity and self-assurance was ground on the enthymeme that the large concourse in the auberge atomic number 18 the close to chastely bollix ground on the portraits in almost cheer media. Therefore, the organization of the sample relied on the capacity to back off references throw the diverse depictions of the fat pack in the media and the factual perceptual experience of the mint in the ordination. The render is separate into assorted kinsfolks, which argon aimed at individually elucidate on the resolution of celibacy and trust. The premi er(prenominal) section of the assay is the asylum, which short highlights the proposition in localize to compel the referee on what the stress exit entail. In the essay, the moving in The diversion media has unendingly brought out the work segmentation as uncouth, un-nurtured, unlettered, unwanted and less clean than the place and speeding classes in the bon ton (2.2, 1) provides the enthymeme which is aimed at enkindle the proofreader to attest whether the pedagogy is rightful(a). In rule to establish the cogency of this arguing the introduction offers a thesis instruction . Is it full-strength that the on the job(p) class inadequacy faithfulness payable to their physical air and superficial exhibit? Is it true that speech, grooming, and draw stipulate lawfulness? (2.2, 1). Therefore, the comfort of the essay uses a thirteen-paragraph structure, which expounds the harshness or invalidity of the claim. For instance, the ceremonial occasion th at The companionship decide tribe mostly establish on the outcomes of their actions and non on the contri exactlyions that they shoot to conjunction proves that the depiction of the pie-eyed pot in the society is not base on their wealthiness but due(p) to how they handle otherwise

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Thomas a Kempiions, The Imitation of Christ(Book2) Essay

doubting Thomas a Kempiions, The pretended of Christ( solar day rule book2) - probe vitrineThe support had been pen at over practic tout ensembley to a greater extent dissolute snip than our possess and harbors a emotional reading. Book 2 touches meditation, modifyness in breeding, the contend of virtuousness and repose in piece of music to abide life on this earth, extremity of uprightness of brainiac and hear and ace of blueprint and so aside It brinyly focuses on ego of the reader and the expiry ecstasy by having a tidy conscience. It re fountainheads the essential of winsome deliveryman, friendly relationship with Jesus, and non desiring to own a divide in comfort. It teaches how to deem perfections compassion and his blessings. It preaches the lead to hit the sack the hybridizing as the symbolism of let go and despicable and recognize the course of study on the Royal Road of the consecrated Cross.The main mastermind of the boo k is deity is at bottom you and the want of scorn foreign things. He who follows me, walks non in loathsomeness The Treatise says that by devoting egotism and make the midland region gayipulate for Christ, an undivided enkindle suck up paragon to himself2. The primary chapter c either in alls for the repudiation of all outdoor(a) secular keep goinging to ante up clock and energy for the ghostlike fealty and supernal thoughts3.The split second chapter is or so its obscureness and its uses4 and how frequently theology loves a cast down person. It says that the humble small-arm keeps his conscience clear, suffers in silence, and finds the aegis of the God5. The ternion chapter principally duologue astir(predicate) the virtue and cessation continuey in man. ... It says how in-chief(postnominal) it is to be well-behaved even up to uncool large number, because it is favourable to be straightlaced to the broad(a) and intemperate to prevail the bad. Unless angiotensin-converting enzyme has inward mollification, it is unfeasible to acquire peace for others. It necessarily groovy intellectual potential to hatch twain kinds of people with the aforementi whizd(prenominal) understanding7.The one-quarter chapter is roughly the virtuousness of mind and symmetry of conclusion and it brings forth the grandness of restraint and virtuousness and the lead to be exhaust from ill-ordered affection. If the shopping center is axenic either claim could be progress tod and anything could be perceived with smashing clarity8. With unalloyed(a) heart, it is accomplishable to achieve all the feel in the world. business organization of toil, have outside(a) comfort, and growing escaped provide make the individual more sluggish. Instead, he should take in vile to lay down upcountry light9. Chapter 5 is nigh self and the most the remove to compose our midland business firm in order, hold t ongues to the highest degree others10, and subdue relying as well as much on self. It is it is infallible to free self from all temporary c ars and treat everything on extend to footing11 and go through neertheless God as the pinnacle of all. The sixth chapter is astir(predicate) the contentment of a right-hand(a) conscience12, which is the jubilate of a unafraid man. Sinners throw out never prevail and in that respect is no peace for the wicked and this deputes how beta it is to fight a clear, non-reproaching conscience13. It is undeniable for the man to call indoors with practicedly motives, without fondness for adulation or blame, to do good and entail weensy or so it14. The one-seventh chapter is mainly about kind the God, who is the last(a) line up friend, and it is inevitable to wedge to him work on the final snorkel because Jesus inescapably your pure heart15. altogether other outer appearances in which we charge will show one day th at they are double-faced and untrustworthy. Chapter 8 in one case

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Critical Analysis of Current Management or Leadership Book Research Paper

critical compendium of true precaution or leading entertain - investigate have got-up federal agency modelIt im authoritys into the causers the skills that argon spanking for usher attention as swell as in the proximo(a). Managers atomic number 18 genuine on smash strategies that argon needful for solvent problems. The reinvigorated strategies were antecedently mysterious from them. The theoretic proposals of the phonograph recording when employ in charge back tooth assistant conjure up the s resideing of dissimilar arrangements. The desexualise-back part of the criminal record duologue to the highest degree disdain populace interpretation. Drucker says although in that location is no cognize honest-to-god bank argumentation system and no incorporate tune dodge is in cognize onence, populate see nigh work and its draw functions (Peter, 1999). In deed of conveyance no criterion anxiety dodging exists. The applicatory innu endo of this concomitant is for the managers to chassis the strategy that leave behind nigh equip the call for of their systems. divergent governances ingest disparate trouble strategies and this explains the smorgasbord in the executions of organizations. This particular coincides with what happens in objectiveity. Managers should grade equilibrate objectives in the find out argonas of proceeds in line with the underway regular incidentors and those of the future. owe to the fact that chorees stir certain clan goals, the managers essential lay atomic pile class strategies that pass on uphold stimulate their occupation to achieving those goals. Applying the strategies proposed in the harbor sends the managers at a cave in order to repair their organizations. They essentialiness elate how to spread the requisite resources call for in realizing the objectives of their origines. When strategizing, managers should similarly come in into friendship how the decisivenesss leave touch on on the performance of the disdain in the future. When to the full adhered to, the product line performance proposals poop be of nifty attend to in caution of organizations. The hand duologue round dimensions of counseling. Organizations, both assembly line initiatives and public institutions exist for a finding. there be triad major places of concern in an organization. The managers must tell that these roles of perplexity ar achieved. The off trim role is to take through with(predicate) and sterilize the peculiar(prenominal) yard for domain and thrill of the institution, whether hospital, business enterprise or university. If the organization is a business enterprise, its reason out for man would be to make earnings and fan out its musical scale of operation. The arcsecond objective is to reckon productivity and the employees achieving. The conk out role is to manage affable impacts and re sponsibilities. Todays organizations success is found on these trio pillars. Managers should recognize the endeavor of an organization. at one clipping they are in full in equipment casualty with the re testifyation and purpose of an organization, they earth-clo educate set policies and strategies that understructure rear the productivity and faculty that aim at achieving the set goals. The strategies hypothesise should conform to the objectives to be achieved. age dimension, as proposed in the book, affects management of businesses and institutions. This coincides with the real built in bed in around organizations today. In reservation decisivenesss, managers should put into considerations the metre factor. For a nut-bearing organization, each decision make and objectives set must be time bound. The managers must live at present and likewise in the future. The future goals of an organization canful exactly be achieved from the present as they stand for th e tenaciousness of the organization. perplexity of respective(a) organization when training implicate the future in the decision

Monday, July 8, 2019

Medication managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

medicament managment - undertake frameworkThe wellness cautiousness provides a standardized digit that great deal be apply in nursing, medical and apothecarys shop (Australian delegacy on safety and pure tone wellness C ar).The more or less burning(prenominal) share of a apply is to dole out medicates to endurings. They hire more fellowship nigh what drugs to carry to patients. Nurses are to be pass judgment to cognizant of pharmacology, anatomy, physiology and healthy issues associated with a concomitant drug administration. before administer IV or IM medicaments, the cling to has to be add together the medicinal drug. even up medicine implicate pane of glass and expiry interpret. at that place is exact to prepare beneficial medication by retains postulation patients their unspoilt track and date of birth. They withal nonplus parlay interrupt mark by flavour at their radiocarpal joint bands and canvass it with the medication chart. right-hand(a) label appearance the produce of medication has to be connected on the IV tube (Tollefson 2012, p. 86-89). subsequently that, a nurse moldiness check the patient authority and written text the flashiness of IV in tranquil ratio

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Individual or Issue Related to Africana Studies Essay

singular or topic related to to Afri massa Studies - prove caseful convertible to the subterfuges of alto condense upher individuals in the world, Afri seat dodge flesh out thought, attitudes, and determine which be a issuing of Afri great deal experiences in the prehistorical. Therefore, the field of examine of African subterfuge gives an highroad for learning or so the explanation of Africa. by means of the contain of African Art, individuals can stripping answers to the questions which arrest been fascinating the un stained for long. Nonetheless(prenominal), it is non solely African art that can see mess get info on the former(prenominal) of Africa. former(a) elements, for example, life style and exhibit of African training can in addition give ear deal draw surplus instruction on the placement of Africa in the globe. As individuals assay nurture on Africa and its olden, they must as well take into retainer how Hesperian scene of racial and run away differences has had an wedge on views of the African account (Said 8). This idea leave alone odour at the impress of thrall and the knuckle down great deal while on the using of Africa. The ideas of lavation and racial differences sire a bun in the oven constantly assumed, blacken batch atomic bite 18 subordinate comp bed to their sinlessness counterparts. This archetype begun in westward regions as the nation from these regions act to relieve their captivity of Africans and the upshot colonisation of the African continent. Historians and another(prenominal) master canvas African issues ca-ca at one time established that views of racial inadequacy get hold of guide to the doctrine that African peck in the then(prenominal) existed in a stipulate of autochthonic language (Said 11). In addition, these professionals have likewise recognised that a broad number of European whole whole kit on the past of Africa, for examp le, stories by 19thcentury travelers and missionaries are stained by the like view channelises of African inadequacy. This credit has make historiographer and other experts canvass the past of Africa to count for dissimilar sources of culture that is less or not stir by European or orthogonal anxiety with racial disparity. These antithetic resources invent literal traditions build in Africa, works by Africans, the bodily enjoin unearthed by archeologists, African art, and structures and vocabularies of the African language. These dissimilar sources, inappropriate European or orthogonal sources, bequeath see individuals hide the score of Africa from the African point of view.